What is Water Pollution, and How is it Caused?
Water pollution is the contamination of water. Water pollution affects the animals and plants living in the water, as well as the animals drinking, and feeding out of it. Water pollution does much damage to the environment and the organisms using the water.
Water pollution comes from many things, including urban runoffs, groundwater contamination, oil spills, dumping, acid rain, etc.
How to Stop Water Pollution
Humans are very dependent on water. Without water to drink, we would die. But drinking is not the only way that we use water. Here are a few of the ways that we use water:
- To clean our clothing and dishes
- As a power source through hydropower
- For leisure activities, such as swimming and boating
- To bathe in
- To cook food with
From the list above, you can see that we rely on water for a lot. Although we need a lot of water to live, there are many ways that we are using an unnecessary amount of it. For example, instead of using purified tap water to water your plants, you can purchase a water barrel, and use rain water to water them. Instead of using a toilet that uses 4 or more gallons of water, buy a low flush toilet, that uses 1.6 gallons of water. Take a shorter shower, and use half the water you would normally use.
There are many ways that you can reduce your ecological footprint. Natural resources are very important to human beings, and are things that we depend on to meet our basic needs. It is crucial to conserve our resources, so that future generations can also have a good life.